Emergency Assistance

Community Action
Emergency Services Contract

Department of Health & Human Services
State Emergency Relief
apply at newmibridges.michigan.gov
State Emergency Relief for bill utility payment has an annual maximum. Must have shut off notice to access services. Income & asset qualifications apply.

The Salvation Army
Salvation Army utility assistance (when available) must have shut off notice or a past due notice. Limited by an annual cap.

True North Community Services
emPower heat & energy assistance

For complete listing of pantries see: Food Pantries for residents or residency not required

The Salvation Army
Emergency Food
Food pantry serving St. Joseph County.  Salvation Army Emergency Food requires State ID for everyone over 18, and Social Security Cards for the entire household.

Department of Health & Human Services
apply at https://newmibridges.michigan.gov/

South Michigan Food Bank.
CSFP is for income qualifying  seniors ages 60 or older.
Call  (269) 964-3663  to check eligibility & Sign up

Grocery Gift Cards

United Community Assistance Program (UCAP)
Must have a picture ID showing address is in St Joseph County MI. One voucher to Three Rivers Hardings only, every three months

Baby Food & Formula

Pregnancy Helpline Sturgis

Pregnancy Helpline Three Rivers

Pregnancy Helpline
Sturgis – 269-659-1100
Hours: Monday: 10am-4pm, Tuesday and Thursday: 12-6pm
Appointments are preferred, but not required.

Three Rivers – 269-278-2211
Hours: Monday: 10am-2pm, Tuesday: 1-5pm, Thursday: 1-7pm, Saturday: 9-12

RESET Day Center
Serving the homeless or nearly homeless, RESET offers essential document assistance, application completion assistance, resume assistance, and assistance acquiring a free phone. Lunch provided. \
Tuesdays, 10am-2pm
Freedom Center, 104 W. Main St. Centreville

Neighborhoods Inc

Neighborhoods Inc (NIBC)  is the HARA for St. Joseph County. NIBC screens people and places into the homeless management system and provides the appropriate referrals .Please refer people who are experiencing homelessness to Neighborhoods Inc, 269-968-1113.

Keystone Place
Keystone Place is an all-year, all-weather homeless shelter. If the shelter is full, staff can assist persons who are experiencing homelessness to find alternate shelter. Additional shelter space is available in the basement as an emergency cold weather shelter when the temperature is 33 degrees or lower.  Persons experiencing homelessness do not have to stay at the shelter to receive services.

Pivotal Crisis Line
Can provide Information to callers – Be sure to indicate its an emergency.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Dial 988 or Call 911 / Go To Emergency Room in Sturgis or Three Rivers Hospital

Keystone Place
Rent Assistance, homeless assistance

Department of Health & Human Services
State Emergency Relief for mortgage or rent payment has an annual maximum. Must have court ordered eviction notice or foreclosure notice to access services. Income and asset qualifications apply.
apply for State Emergency Relief online at:

St. Joseph County Veterans Services


Commission On Aging
Three Rivers – 269-279-8083
1200 W. Broadway St., Three Rivers
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Persons of any age welcome

Commission On Aging
Sturgis Enrichment Center
306 N. Franks Ave., Sturgis
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Persons of any age welcome

Three Rivers First UMC (215 N Main St) is open the following times each week if you need a place to warm up. We will have coffee and hot chocolate available also.
Monday and Friday 10:00am-2:00pm
Tuesday 11:30am-3:00pm
Sunday 10:00am-3:00pm
When weather is below 20 degrees, watch the Three Rivers First UMC Facebook page for additional times open, including overnight.

Public libraries can also be used as warming/cooling centers to take refuge from the elements during operating hours.

Warming/ Cooling Centers are heated or cooled facilities where people may go for relief during temporary periods of extreme cold or heat. These facilities provide wáter and restrooms.

Sturgis Emergency Extreme Weather Center (EEWC)
307 W. Chicago Rd.
Call for assistance finding a warm place overnight when forecasted temps are zero or below.
Persons with pets or CSC’s welcome.
Open 6pm-8am.
EEWC’s Facebook page will post when center activates during periods of cold.

Three Rivers First UMC (215 N Main St)
When weather is below 20 degrees, watch the Three Rivers First UMC Facebook page for activation of an overnight center.

OVERNIGHT AND DAY SHELTER for Cold Weather or Heat Advisory
Keystone Place

Keystone Place has additional shelter space in its basement (with 10 beds) that operates as a cold weather or heat advisory shelter. The Cold Weather  Shelter opens at forecasted temperatures of 33 degrees and below.   The shelter also opens when a heat advisory is issued by the National Weather Service.


You can call 2-1-1 and also the United Way for information and referrals: 269-467-9099